Those who read the red years and have some bad thoughts about soren , will most likely understands
the relationship between nora and soren. I was against soren , maybe I still am , I don't like him but I understand him better now. Nora is more sadist then soren lol. she's such a complicated character. I still don't agree with her "I love two person at the same time" situation. She was so easly in love with wyatt and she left him for soren . I thought my poor wesley at this moment :D At least he found love wit someone nice , and vanilla lol :D For this thank you tiffany :=)
The S&M scenes are too disturbing to me . Nora's wine and body fluids drink scene was disgusting . soren and nora's first night was too brutal than it should be . I mean come on!! Soren said I'll try to be gentle and he did those things to her . it was her first time , he's a sadist I understand but it was to much to read at least for me .
Tiffany Reisz's writing is so poetic , so magical and funny as hell . I love this series . This is a real deal people , BDSM community in this book is so much real. Sadists should be like soren (maybe just a little bit less :D)
Kingley's son nico was my favorite , he's such a hot guy . Once again nora find a sexy guy to spend some time away from soren. It's her time off , traditional thing :D I can't wait to next one . Kingsleeeey <3 p="">
Complimentary copy provided by Harlequin, via NetGalley, for an honest review
Kırmızı yıllar bitti herşeyin başladığı beyaz yıllar'a geldik. Nora'nın gençliğine soren ile tanıştığı yıllardayız. Soren mahalleye yeni atanan rahip ,nora'da yaramaz kız. :D İkisi tencere ve kapak gibiler.Nora mazoşist soren sadist. Hemde şeytanı bile korkutabilecek kadar sert. Bence aşırı sert. Yani nora ile birbirlerine aşık oldular. Nora ile ilişkiye girmek için onun 20 yaşına gelmesini bekledi. onu S&M olaylarına hazırladı. ilk gecelerinde sana karşı nazik olmaya çalışlıcam dedi kızı resmen yardı :D Bana bile çok ağır geldi sahne . nora'nı o geceden iyileşmesi için 1 hafta geçmesi gerekti düşün artık. Bu kadarda olmamalı diye düşünüyorum ama asıl sorunlu bizim kız bence. Psikopat :D Neyse S&M sahnelerin oldukça ağır olduğu bir seriyi okunabilir kılan tek şey yazarın tarzı. O kadar güzel yazıyor ki kah gülüyor kah gözlerinizi yaşartıyor. Bayılıyorum bu kadına ben.
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